



版主: machi, Kiiro麻, 崩啾拔


文章錢麻咪 » 2009-05-02, 19:01

好可怕 :roll:
文章: 165
註冊時間: 2009-01-17, 23:54
性別: 未指定

文章MARY拔 » 2009-05-02, 19:04


文章: 7671
圖片: 475
註冊時間: 2005-07-29, 21:10
來自: 遠在天邊近在眼前
性別: 未指定

文章ice媽 » 2009-05-02, 19:12

人可以帶口罩 寶貝們不可能乖乖戴口罩啊 :roll:

防不勝防 所以 還是自身要小心啊
文章: 246
註冊時間: 2007-07-03, 15:58
來自: 台中
性別: 未指定

文章大黑麻 » 2009-05-02, 19:56


一天洗幾百次 :wink:
文章: 922
註冊時間: 2008-05-09, 00:10
性別: 女孩

文章挫冰麻 » 2009-05-02, 20:12

狗多的地方也盡量避免˙˙˙一整個就是要隱居 :mrgreen:

提昇免疫力才是根本啦!戴口罩那些都是消極防護 :idea:
文章: 719
註冊時間: 2008-03-16, 03:56
來自: 挫冰怡家
性別: 未指定

文章tess1223 » 2009-05-02, 22:05


說個題外話, 今天去量販店採購日用品時. 看到一對男女分別載上醫療口罩,
那時我心裡還在想: 哦~~有夠小心謹慎的!口罩己經搬出來用了喲~
整個諾大的量販店, 就看到這麼一對口罩使用者.

然後, 到了美食區........
就看他們取下口罩. 坐在人聲鼎沸的用餐區中快樂的交談著並享用炸豬排餐..... :roll:
文章: 4335
圖片: 3
註冊時間: 2005-02-08, 05:29
來自: 台南
性別: 未指定

文章挫冰麻 » 2009-05-02, 22:15

所以他們應該要外帶 :mrgreen: 而且豬排餐帶回家後還要再煮一次消毒 :lol:
用餐之前要先洗手,最好是先洗澡 :!:

我覺得戴口罩反而容易被誤會 :wink:
或許提昇自己的免疫力之後,若真的感染還會產生抗體勒 :P

常常覺得很多人都被媒體誤導 :idea: 造成恐慌˙˙˙
文章: 719
註冊時間: 2008-03-16, 03:56
來自: 挫冰怡家
性別: 未指定

文章MARY拔 » 2009-05-03, 02:09

Can Pets Get Swine Flu?
Animal Organization Says Swine Flu Poses Small Risk to Cats and Dogs
© Pamela Mooman

May 1, 2009
Cats and dogs are at little risk of contracting swine flu, although pet pigs may require some closer watching.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), established in 1866 to prevent cruelty to all animals throughout the United States, researchers are unsure whether or not the virus can infect animals other than swine, but the expectations of such conditions are low.

In fact, researchers are not completely sure that the current strain of Type A influenza, currently termed “swine flu,” even began in pigs, and its origins are being researched.

“At this time there is no data demonstrating any risk of dogs and cats contracting this strain of the virus,” says Dr. Louise Murray, Director of Medicine at the ASPCA’s Bergh Memorial Hospital in New York City. “However, owners of pet pigs, as well as farmers, should monitor their animals’ health more closely during this outbreak. Steps to limit possible transmission from humans to pigs and vice versa are recommended.”

Protecting Companion Pigs
Humans who have Vietnamese Potbellies, African Pygmies, and other pet pigs as animal companions should consult their veterinarians about a Type A influenza vaccine that is available and recommended for all healthy swine. Also, check with a veterinarian if a pig animal companion shows any sign of illness.

Those with swine farms and pig animal companions should limit public exposure that might put the animals at risk for illness. The American Association of Swine Veterinarians suggests that visitors be temporarily banned from swine production units, and for humans to avoid all unnecessary contact with pigs.

Read more: "Can Pets Get Swine Flu? Animal Organization Says Swine Flu Poses Small Risk to Cats and Dogs" - http://pet-diseases.suite101.com/articl ... ENFDIMIb&A

Evolution of Swine Flu
Swine are unique in the animal kingdom because they are able to host both mammalian and avian influenza viruses, the ASPCA says, allowing viruses to mutate into new strains by allowing avian influenza to adapt to mammals.

When these new viruses appear, it is possible for humans to become infected and spread the virus mutation from person to person. The virus that recently originated in Mexico, although its exact origins are currently being researched, is a unique genetic mixture of Type A influenza viruses found in pigs, birds, and humans.

For more official information and updates on the current swine flu outbreak and how it may affect humans and animal companions, the ASPCA recommends visiting the Center for Disease Control website and the website of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

Precautions to Keep Pets Healthy
Precautions to keep mammalian pet companions such as cats, dogs,rabbits, and guinea pigs healthy involve common sense and are much the same as those for preventing the spread of disease among humans.

Clean hands often, either with hand sanitizer or soap and water, before and after handling animal companions, especially if greeting a pet after being out in public.
Avoid unnecessary contact with swine, although origins of the current disease are still being researched.
Dispose of used tissues, clean hands after sneezing or coughing, and do not touch an animal companion without first cleaning hands after sneezing or coughing.
Visit a veterinarian if animal companions show any sign of illness.

The copyright of the article Can Pets Get Swine Flu? in Pet Diseases is owned by Pamela Mooman. Permission to republish Can Pets Get Swine Flu? in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

Read more: "Can Pets Get Swine Flu? Animal Organization Says Swine Flu Poses Small Risk to Cats and Dogs" - http://pet-diseases.suite101.com/articl ... ENFLnZPc&A
文章: 7671
圖片: 475
註冊時間: 2005-07-29, 21:10
來自: 遠在天邊近在眼前
性別: 未指定

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