


版主: doggydc, Jeff Wang, JLLinVET, 艾咪


文章katherine » 2006-03-06, 16:07

李醫生在網上文章表示:TPO手術只能增加關節窩對股骨頭的覆蓋率,並無法完全解決關節鬆弛度的問題,而鬆弛度的問題才是真正導致關節持續惡化 / 脫位的最主要因素.
文章: 1201
圖片: 7
註冊時間: 2005-04-19, 23:10
來自: 台北
性別: 未指定

文章doggydc » 2006-03-07, 03:47

First I like you to understand the laxity of a joint won't go away after TPO surgery but will be shift to centric laxity if the femoral head coverage is improving good enough. This is why we have to examine and evaluate each case carefully to make sure after surgery we can really enhance the centric movement of femoral head when dog is using this joint. Once this function can be achieved and the femoral head will settle into the acetabulum in 2-4 weeks after surgery. At this time, the femoral head coverage always will be more than 60%, then the chance for the eccentric movement of femoral head will be reduced and dog can have a function joint to use in the rest of their life. The TPO sugery can't 100% to make the joint back to their normal anotomic position so there is a possibility to reduce 2nd DJD of this joint(because surgery improve joint function)but can't 100% get rid of it.
文章: 959
註冊時間: 2004-10-04, 16:25
來自: losangeles
性別: 未指定

文章katherine » 2006-03-07, 10:48

文章: 1201
圖片: 7
註冊時間: 2005-04-19, 23:10
來自: 台北
性別: 未指定

文章amy » 2006-03-14, 17:19

doggydc 寫:First I like you to understand the laxity of a joint won't go away after TPO surgery but will be shift to centric laxity if the femoral head coverage is improving good enough. This is why we have to examine and evaluate each case carefully to make sure after surgery we can really enhance the centric movement of femoral head when dog is using this joint. Once this function can be achieved and the femoral head will settle into the acetabulum in 2-4 weeks after surgery. At this time, the femoral head coverage always will be more than 60%, then the chance for the eccentric movement of femoral head will be reduced and dog can have a function joint to use in the rest of their life. The TPO sugery can't 100% to make the joint back to their normal anotomic position so there is a possibility to reduce 2nd DJD of this joint(because surgery improve joint function)but can't 100% get rid of it.

首先我希望你能了解,關節的鬆弛性不會因為TPO手術而消失,但會因手術增加股骨頭的覆蓋率而將此鬆弛力轉向關節窩中心移動,所以當此移動的力量於手術達成後則股骨頭可於手術後2-4周完全轉入關節窩內, 此時股骨頭的覆蓋率常可大於60%以上,如此股骨頭往外移的力量將大為減少,可以使犬隻達到接近正常狗的活動能力

美國愛屋動物醫院 李學文醫師
文章: 14371
圖片: 11
註冊時間: 2004-09-22, 16:57
來自: 台北
性別: 女孩

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