



版主: doggydc, Jeff Wang, JLLinVET, 艾咪


文章Bingoma » 2006-07-18, 10:32

我的黃金Bingo現在1歲4個月, 無明顯CHD症狀如跛行, 疼痛, 不願走路等, 但走路時尾部有輕微搖擺. 大概3個月前, Bingo開始經常在家滑倒, 因家里是木板地, 最初沒意識有問題, 後來滑倒情形持續, 才決定帶它去看獸醫.

X-ray結果確診為CHD. 我曾經徵詢過兩位醫生的意見. 一位說左腳有CHD, 建議做TPO. 另一位說左右都有問題, 建議做femoral head resection. 我實在不知如何取捨, 不知道什麼才是對Bingo最好. 除了手術, 保守療法是一個選擇嗎?

現附上Bingo的x-ray, 希望醫生能給我一些意見.

謝謝幫忙, 無言感激!

http://hk.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/u74106 ... &.src=mail
文章: 5
註冊時間: 2006-07-14, 23:21
性別: 未指定

文章doggydc » 2006-07-18, 14:27

As my opionion(by only viewing the two x-ray you posted) , I don't think Bingo's hip condition is required any surgical technique to help. He just has very mild CHD problem which can be controlled well with proper conservative management especially he is one year and four months which is close to stable condition. You have to change the slipping floor problem in your house as soon as possible or one day Bingo might hurt his hip or other joints even he has normal joint structure.
文章: 959
註冊時間: 2004-10-04, 16:25
來自: losangeles
性別: 未指定

文章Bingoma » 2006-07-18, 15:19

謝謝醫生的意見, 我真的很高興Bingo的CHD問題只屬輕微, 而且不需要做手術. 之前兩個獸醫的意見, 確實令我擔心極了.

我有幾個問題, 希望醫生能給一些意見:

- 我已經買了Cosequin DS, 請問以 Bingo 的情況, 一天需要服多少顆?
- 如想替Bingo做定期檢查以監察病情, 下一次 x-ray 應該什麼時候做最好?
- Bingo很喜歡作 "青蛙" 狀伏在地上, 這對它的CHD問題有不良影嚮嗎?
- Bingo 的散步時間是否需要限制? 跑步可以嗎, 有沒有時間限制?

文章: 5
註冊時間: 2006-07-14, 23:21
性別: 未指定

文章doggydc » 2006-07-19, 00:09

I did not know Bingo's body weight, so I don't know how many tab. of Cosequin DS you have to give your dog. As I judged your dog just has mild CHD, please use maintenance dose on him(see the instruction on the label).
If I was your doctor, I like to recheck his hip condition 6 months after first check-up.
Frog position won't hurt hip condition.
There is not necessary to limit his exercise time, only try to avoid traumatic and uncontrolled activities. Running without chasing with other dogs is no problem.
文章: 959
註冊時間: 2004-10-04, 16:25
來自: losangeles
性別: 未指定

文章Bingoma » 2006-07-19, 21:49

謝謝醫生的意見. 我會盡我所能照顧Bingo, 嚴格執行保守療法. 家中地板已加防滑墊, 以防Bingo"滑鐵盧"!

有你們在這裡給憂心如焚的爸爸媽媽提供專業意見, 實在是我們的福氣. 再一次謝謝!
文章: 5
註冊時間: 2006-07-14, 23:21
性別: 未指定

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