

4/24 美國FDA寵物食品污染事件記者會<新聞稿> 


版主: tess1223, Genki麻, REBECCA(曹小咩)

4/24 美國FDA寵物食品污染事件記者會<新聞稿>

文章泡泡拔 » 2007-04-27, 14:38


Stephen Sundlof(FDA動物醫藥部門主管):
ood afternoon. On behalf of the FDA’s Commissioner, Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach,
I would like to thank you for joining the call. Today’s call is a regularly scheduled update
to bring in new information in the pet food recall investigation.

FDA’s investigation continues nonstop. As I have mentioned last week, these includes
100% sampling of wheat gluten, rice protein concentrate, and corn gluten coming in to
the United States from China for melamine and related compounds. Any and all products
from the two firms in China that where the source of melamine contamination are stopped
as they come into the country and are examined and sampled.

In addition to the increased of products imported for China, FDA is announcing today that
it will begin testing a variety of protein ingredients and finished products commonly found
in the US food and feeds supply for the presence of melamine.

The assignment will focus on both newly-imported ingredients from all sources, as well as
products currently in the US, and will supplement the melamine testing already being conducted.

Some of the protein concentrates being tested include wheat gluten, corn gluten, cornmeal,
soy protein, rice bran, and rice protein concentrate.

Dr. David Acheson, Chief Medical Officer and Director of the Food Safety and Security Staff
at FDA’s Center for Food Safe and Applied Nutrition will be here to answer questions about
this new sampling assignment.

FDA reported last week the detection of melamine and some melamine-related compounds
in imported rice protein concentrate used to manufacture pet food. Three pet food distributors
have issued recall, Natural Balance, Blue Buffalo, and Royal Canine.

As part of our work tracing the contaminated products from the importers through the pet food
manufacturers, FDA learned that some of the contaminated pet food was sent as salvage feed
to various hog producers and several states including North Carolina, California, South Carolina,
New York, Utah,
and possibly Ohio.

Hogs that had been sent salvaged pet food in North Carolina, South Carolina, and California
were tested, and levels of melamine were detected in their urine.

As a precautionary measure, the hogs and all of the farms identified have been quarantined.
FDA is working
with the states, the US Department of Agriculture, both the Food Safety and Inspection Service
and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to make to sure that there is no further
distribution of the meat from these farms.

FDA, our state and local counterparts in the pet and human food industries are working very
closely together to identify and halt any further contaminations. We will continue to provide
updates as soon as any information is available.

Stephen Sundlof(FDA動物醫藥部門主管):

FDA的調查持續進行中,並沒有停止。如同我上星期提到的,所有由大陸運到美國境內的麥麩(wheat gluten)、
米濃縮蛋白(rice protein concentrate)與玉米麩(corn gluten),都在針對melamine(三聚氫氨)和相關化合物




部分蛋白質濃縮物會受到測試,包含麥麩(wheat gluten)、玉米麩(corn gluten)、玉米粉(cornmeal)、大豆蛋白
(soy protein)、米糠(rice bran)與米濃縮蛋白(rice protein concentrate)。

David Acheson博士,FDA醫藥部門主席與FDA食物安全小組主管,將會在此回答各位有關於新取樣檢測任務的問題。

食品供應商已經發出回收聲明,包含Natural Balance, Blue Buffalo, 與 Royal Canine(皇家)。





其它部分稍候補上.........to be continued

文章: 85
註冊時間: 2006-02-04, 18:01
來自: 花蓮
性別: 未指定

文章泡泡拔 » 2007-04-27, 16:58

David Acheson(FDA醫藥部門主席與FDA食物安全小組主管):

Thank you Rob. Good afternoon everybody. This is David Acheson,
Chief Medical Officer in FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied
Nutrition. I am going to speak briefly about food surveillance assignment
that Dr. Sundlof referred to, and essentially, what we are doing is
developing a food surveillance assignment around this melamine
contamination problem.

Beginning sometime this week, FDA in conjunction with the states
are proposing to test a variety of protein ingredients in finished products
commonly found in the US food and feeds supply for the presence of
As part of this approach, FDA and the state authorities are going to raise
awareness with manufactures and processors about the importance of
knowing all there is to know about their suppliers.

At this time, I want to emphasize that there is no indication that melamine
has been added to ingredients other than those used in the pet foods.
However, we believe that it is very important to further raise awareness
about food protection and food defense, and that is one of the reasons why
we are undertaking this assignment.

The assignment is going to focus on both newly-imported ingredients as well
as products currently in the United States, and we will supplement the
melamine testing that is already being conducted.

Some of the protein concentrates that we are going to test initially are wheat
gluten, corn gluten, cornmeal, soy protein, rice bran, and rice protein concentrate.
Over the next few weeks, this assignment may expand in size and scope to
include other products, other type of proteins as learn more about this.

I wanted to just emphasize that these proactive steps. As you are all well aware,
we already know that melamine has been found in wheat gluten and rice protein
concentrate and there has been concerned of corn gluten in the other parts of the
world being contaminated with melamine.

This assignment is to get out ahead of the curve, and to start to, not only raise
awareness amongst manufacturers about the importance of knowing a lot about
their suppliers and where they get their suppliers from, but also to undertake
testing of commonly used protein concentrate that could potentially be contaminated
with melamine, and I want to emphasize, (could) in this stage that there is no
evidence or whatsoever that anything other than what we have already talked about
is contaminated.

This is a proactive assignment that is focused on a prevent ative strategy, looking
more broadly. So, in essence, as I’ve said, this will begin in the latter part of this
week. It will focus on a number of protein concentrates and it will have two components
of raising awareness and sampling and testing.

David Acheson(FDA醫藥部門主席與FDA食物安全小組主管):

我將簡短的說明 Sundlof博士所提到的食品監控任務,我們目前正在進行的是,





,麥麩(wheat gluten)、玉米麩(corn gluten)、玉米粉(cornmeal)、大豆蛋
白(soy protein)、米糠(rice bran)與米濃縮蛋白(rice protein concentrate)

(wheat gluten)與米濃縮蛋白(rice protein concerntrate)曾經被發現含有三
聚氫氨,也擔心來自於世界其它地區的玉米麩(corn gluten)也受到三聚氫氨污染!!!!!!!

己的嚴格檢測證明飼料沒有問題! 而不是單純以來源地區敷衍,基本的抽樣檢測都

的重要性,並且要清楚原料從何而來! 另外也要對可能受到三聚氫氨污染的常用濃


還有記者發問部分,有一些記者幫大家問了一些好問題,稍候補上...........to be continued
文章: 85
註冊時間: 2006-02-04, 18:01
來自: 花蓮
性別: 未指定

文章泡泡拔 » 2007-04-27, 23:36

CNN記者 : I have heard that there has been an additional contaminate found besides melamine,
cyanuric acid. Are you aware of that? Is that something that we should be aware of?
Because I understand it is used as a pool cleaner.

我已經聽說除了三聚氫氨(melamine)之外,還發現有一個另外的污染物 cyanuric acid。您是否知道這件事?

Stephen Sundlof
: That is true. We have found cyanuric acid. It is somewhat related to melamine.
Another compound that is very high in nitrogen and we are testing for that compound
as well.

這是真的,我們已經發現了cyanuric acid。它也許跟三聚氫氨(melamine)有所關連。還有另一個化合物,

USA Today記者: I would like to follow up on the cyanuric acid that was found in what product?
我想要接續cyanuric acid的問題,cyanuric acid在什麼產品裡被發現?

David Elder: I believe it was the rice protein concentrate.
我相信是在米濃縮蛋白裡(rice protein concentrate).

USA Today記者: And that was, it was not simply a by-product that the melamine but it, I mean, I just
thought, the chemical structure and it is separate. Correct?
而它不單只是一個副產品是嗎?我的意思是,我只是在想,melamine和cyanuric acid的結構是不同的

David Elder: It is. I think, as we have found that this is not probably a highly purified
source of material that went in to these products and it could be that what
we are finding is a mixture of waste products from chemical manufacturers.
We do not really know at this time, but certainly, even in the beginning, when
we were testing for melamine, we are finding compounds other than melanin,
and this appear to be probably by-products of the production.
(我想這裡的意思是,食品原料是受到一些化學混和物污染,也就是說污染物包含了melamine、cyanuric acid…..
和其它化學成分,cyanuric acid應該不是melamine代謝後所產生的。)


USA Today記者: So they are just pouring anything that has got high nitrogen content in it?
David Elder: That we do not know at this point.

CBS記者: Of these six new ingredients that you are going to be testing, are you going to be
testing 100% of product or is that possible? What percentage of these products are
you going to be testing?


David Acheson:
Sure. This is David Acheson. What we are going to do is to get in to manufacturers
that are using imported products. Using the information that we have through the Prior Notice Cente
r which is system that logs imports combined with our own data set. We are going to target firms that
we know are receiving imported products. Depending on what they have on hand, we will sample,
and I anticipate that as this goes on over the next couple of weeks, it will broaden, and the goal
obviously is to sample as much as we can to ensure that this problem is not occurring in places that
we do not already know about.


Scientific American(科學人)記者:

In terms of cyanuric acid I also heard that it was found in the rice protein concentrate and I’m just curious in
the first place what rice protein concentrate would be used for and I believe it was a dry food.
我聽到在米濃縮蛋白裡含有cyanuric acid,我只是很好奇為什麼在乾飼料裡會用稻米濃縮蛋白?

I understand that wheat gluten is used to thicken the gravy in wet food, but I’m sure why you would need one
of these sources in dry food other than to kind of artificially or just add protein to something that does not really
have any

Stephen Sundlof: .
I don’t have a definitive answer for you. Obviously, rice protein concentrate is a substance that is used in food
and animal feed. The exact reason that it was used in dried food, I do not know. It certainly could be to increase
the protein concentrate.
But certainly it is an acceptable feed substance that can be used and there is no problem with it being used that it
obviously cannot be contaminated and now it is the problem here.
So, it is - that is a question that I just do not have the answer to and it is probably something that the pet food
manufacturers could better answer.




含量或許是一個好理由! 所以飼料包裝上所標示的蛋白質含量,真正來自於肉品的比例到底有多少?)


好吧! 翻到這裡,剩下的部分我簡短摘要一下好了:

1. FDA目前的擴大檢測仍然把目標放在中國進口的原料上,暫時不會檢測出口的部分。對於其它國家來源的原料,暫時無法檢測,因為範圍太大。
2. 大家都知道麥麩來源可以追溯到2006年11月,而米濃縮蛋白可以追溯到2006年7月,這段期間的產品都有可能受到污染,不過大概很多都被吃下肚子裡去了。
3. 污染飼料除了進到豬隻供應商手裡之外,也進到一家家禽農場裡。
4. 目前不知道cyanuric acid對動物體的影響。

剩下的就靜觀其變,等待下一波回收名單吧!! 我還是希望飼料商自己好好檢驗自己的飼料,這不是原本就應該做的嗎?
就算原料不是中國來的,難道就可以百分之百確定沒問題? 再來就抱怨一下,美國有FDA主導調查檢驗,那台灣的政府
為什麼不針對台灣市面的飼料做調查呢? 大家都只能聽代理商說沒事,沒有檢測報告我個人還是很擔心,而且很多代理
商根本都搞不清楚狀況,一直說沒事,可是根本就不知道發生了什麼事,好吧!不抱怨了! 這篇就翻到這邊,大家要討論

本文翻譯自FDA http://www.fda.gov/bbs/transcripts/transcript042407.pdf
文章: 85
註冊時間: 2006-02-04, 18:01
來自: 花蓮
性別: 未指定

文章vc_style » 2007-04-28, 09:51

文章: 156
註冊時間: 2006-05-27, 11:27
來自: 南桃園
性別: 未指定

文章毛毛姐 » 2007-04-28, 10:56


文章: 490
註冊時間: 2005-10-17, 23:27
來自: 台中
性別: 女孩

文章泡泡拔 » 2007-04-28, 21:56

4/26 最新回收名單

Chenango Valley Pet Foods Issues Voluntarily Nationwide Recall of Certain Pet Foods (April 26, 2007)

Diamond Pet Food Withdraws Products in Response to American Nutrition Inc. Pet Food Recall(April 26, 2007)

Blue Buffalo Recalls Can and Biscuit Products Due To Tampering By American Nutrition Inc. (April 26, 2007)
http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/bl ... 04_07.html

Blue Buffalo的聲明讓我有點想吐血,來看看他怎麼說的(摘要一下我看了想昏倒的部分):
We at the Blue Buffalo Company have just learned that American Nutrition Inc. (ANI), the manufacturer
of all our cans and biscuits, has been adding rice protein concentrate to our can formulas without our
knowledge and without our approval.This is product tampering, and it apparently has been going on for
some time.
我們 Blue Buffalo 公司發現,幫我們製造罐頭和餅乾的代工廠,在我們的罐頭配方裡添加了米濃縮蛋白,

The obvious question is "how could Blue Buffalo not know that ANI was putting rice protein concentrate
into our canned food?" The answer is we trusted them.
一個很明顯的問題是 "為什麼 Blue Buffalo 不知道ANI把米濃縮蛋白加進我們的罐頭裡", 而答案就是--我們相信他們!!

也是拉,你們相信他們,就像我們相信你們一樣拉! 不過一出事之後,你們說什麼我都不信了拉 ╯-____-)╯~═╩════╩═ (容我翻一下桌)

American Nutrition, Inc. Issues Voluntary Recall (April 26, 2007)
http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/am ... 04_07.html

American Nutrition,這次出事的代工廠,跟menu food一樣,幫好幾個牌子代工!




1.難道飼料商真的自己平常都沒有在抽樣檢驗的? 這未免也太相信自己的原料了吧! 貓狗都是餐餐吃飼料的,
毒素累積比人快很多阿! 怎麼可以這麼草率!!!

2. 代工廠,代工廠,又是代工廠! 你委託的代工廠加了什麼你都不知道,你還敢賣!!
文章: 85
註冊時間: 2006-02-04, 18:01
來自: 花蓮
性別: 未指定

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